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Automate Git Commands Across Repos Using Batch Scripts


Writing Scripts to Apply Commands Across Repositories

I store all of my local repositories in a particular directory. I wrote these scripts to automate one or more git commands to run on each repository within that directory. It could also be used to do a general clean-up before committing anything to your repository.

Here are two ways to do it.

Method 1:

Use this when you want to store commands in a single file to be executed in sequence for every repo in your directory.

The script is simple: It’s composed of a single for loop. What you are doing is for each folder inside the current directory, change the directory to your local repo and execute the command inside the loop. To execute the exact contents of this script, you would just need to place it in the directory where all your repositories are stored. The echo tags will help to separate the results shown in the Command Window.

You could add any commands you like inside the for loop so you can execute several of them throughout every repository in that directory. A benefit to this approach is that you can also use your git aliases in the very same way.

Method 2:

The first approach described above works well for commands you constantly use while managing your repositories, like git status or git fetch. But storing a different batch file for each git command you want to execute across your repos can also be cumbersome.

With this approach, you can apply a single command across all repositories without the need of storing a batch file for each Git command.

Here, you would need to add a variable that will store the command you want to execute and prompt the user to type it into the console:


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